Friday, October 10, 2008

Culinary Unit Converter

Many thanks to my new friend Rose Gianopoulos who is an expert in blogging and baking. I have been looking for a widget that can be added to my blog for the convenient of my readers and myself to convert metric units like grams to lbs and vise verse. Thanks Rose, I have one nice converter and I would like to share with all.

Just clicnk on the "Add it to your blog" link in the Culiverter. It will bring you to the official site. The html code will be there. All you need to do is copy the code and add it to your blog under "Add Widget"...."Add HTML Code". It will automatically appear on your side bar.


PEBBLES - the Lord's beloved said...

Thanks so much, Tiki! It will be extremely useful for me.

Lore said...

Hi Verytiki,
I've sent you a message yesterday about Culiverter and lately a lot of people don't receive my emails so I'm just checking if you received it.
Please let me know.

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