Monday, December 1, 2008

Happy Birthday Calla Lily

Calla Lily is with us for exactly one month and today it's her birthday.

Happy Birthday Calla Lily !!!

It's just a blink of eye and she is already with us for one month. Still remember before her arrival, I pray to Swami (Sathia Sai Baba) to send somebody to me who loves my family knowing that he always heard what I say like a mother always know what and when her kids are in need.

All begins with love and that is the utmost important. Calla Lily, thanks for loving my family.

Today is your birthday but we can't afford to buy you buffet dinner in great restaurant, beautiful dress nor Breadtalk or Sweetsecret Cake. We have to budget our spending for the forthcoming expenses and downturn of economy.

Instead, we prepare for her a fun Singapore version of JellyBean hot dog buffet, Homemade Blueberry Apricot Passion Cake, small little gifts from all of us and a great Mahjong game. We are glad that she enjoy the night and she told us that it is the first time that she is having a cake for her birthday.

Blackninja and Supercute gave her chips as present and ET had a great laugh. However, it's the thought that count. I'm so glad that my kids are so wonderful.

Happy Birthday Calla Lily and many more to come !!!!


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Calla Lily!

God Bless,

Anonymous said...

Hi Tiki!

Gasp! Homemade Blueberry Apricot Passion Cake?

Quick - please post the recipe! :)


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