Thursday, November 13, 2008

River Valley Primary School 5G Year End Party

Congratulation to all 5G pupils. Finally all the hard works were paid off and you can enjoy the school holidays.

Little Bear in RV uniform

My handsome young boy Black Ninja told me that their class held a class party and some pupils and their form teacher Ms Woo will contribute some food, snacks and drinks for the party. This is the best part of school life. It leads me walking down my memory lane. I'm also from RVPS and I used to have my year end party too. Having fun just like you kids.

Black Ninja told me that you guys played card games with peanuts, compete eating sour candy, eating, drinking, laughing, taking great pics etc etc. Hey kids, can I join in future ???

Pleaseee.......I miss my good old days. Girls....can any of you lend me RV uniform so I can sneak into the class for the party ? girls are tall, I believe I can squeeze myself in your uniform :P

There are some pics the class took for the party. Check it out in their class bog 5G Class Blog. These brilliant kids come out with a class blog all by themselves. Good and fun classmates are not easy to come along with. You guys have a great class. KEEP THE BLOG going 5G. Black Ninja told me last night that you all will keep it going even after Primary School, JC, University, Polytechnics, Working, Married, be Parents, Be Grand-Parents, and till your last breath.

Keep writing !!!!! Make this class blog be the first in Singapore's History (age 11 till age 110) witnessing your long lasting friendships !!!!


(Class 5G. Please find out for me who send me the pics allowing me to post ok. I'm furious too.)


Anonymous said...

Hi Tiki, there is no necessity for a child to be rude to the parent of another child. It speaks of the level of upbringing.

Verytiki said...

Haha...I was quite frustrated indeed to read such comments in my chat box written by kid. But perhaps that is her rule for her blog. I respect her decision and explain to her why I'm doing so.

No evil intention of mine but encouranging my readers to visit their blog. Young bloggers need encouragements...and that is my only intention.

To her, Blog is her private class blog and to me Blog is for public viewing and I will feel great when I have traffic moving into my blog all over the world. Well, different people has different perceptions. Thus, it's ok. I've asked ZX to chat with her too and she understand now. Misunderstanding is cleared :P

You know what, the moment I step home yesterday, ZX said "Mom, you know, there are so many different people in this world." I gave him a big smile and a hug. My son has matured.

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