Wednesday, April 23, 2008


It was 3 years back that I went to Perth with my mum, brother, sis-in-law & kids (my husband miss the trip as he need to work. He is still regretting till date. Haa…).
It was a wonderful and fun trip. We visited Fremantle Market on South Terrace where we found so many unusual ranges of items like fresh fruit, honey and hand crafted local items. I can still remember the taste of steam corn….yummy.
Till date we still talk about the fun we have in places like swan lake, Perth Bell Tower, Perth Mint, China Town, Kings Park and Botanic Gardens. All the beautiful wild flowers, lemon plantation, cute koalas & kangaroos, and the friendly people simply make our stays more memorable.
The Maze is the funnest day out. It has a huge and unique Timber Maze and 2 Pine Maze. After having great lunch in Café Iguana (they serve fantastic sandwich), we split into two teams one of which is my kids and I, the other is my bro and his kids. My mum is the judge. It takes us quite a while to get out of the mazes as the timber planks and trees are so tall that we can’t see the exit. Guess who is the winner? …..of course my team. Hehe…

Here’s a pic I took with my mom & kids in The Maze. That is also the
last trip I enjoy with my mum. I miss her so much.

Look at the tall pine trees. Wonderful isin't it ?

Thursday, April 17, 2008


Kids love exploring new things. My kids too. After watching Brainiac (a science experiment tv series), they start learning and exploring. The tv shows has explosive and funny experiments. I have to keep reminding them not to burn down our house.

Here's what they did with a helium balloon.

Anyway, learning science through real life experience and from natural bahitat is always more encouraging and interesting.

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Monday, April 14, 2008


My lovely daughter is funny and smart. She likes to imitate others and pretend to be adults and grown up kids despite the fact that she is only two. She loves taking pics and at times force me to take for her by displaying funny ideas.

Here are some of the candid pics that she insist me to take for her dad and god mama. I've no choice you see.......cos it's damn funny.

Friday, April 11, 2008


Science in textbook might be a bit dry. So, letting your Kids experience science through real life encounter with natural habitats, experiments and researches are always more fruitful and joyful.

These are my two lovely sons letting butterflies resting and licking them in Singapore Butterfly Park. You can see how curious and surprise they are. Well, after this visit, they starts keeping catepillars as their pet.

(Please Refresh this page and play again if you are unable to view the vedio.)

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


Being mother of three is bless and bliss. There are so many Ups and Downs in my life and I would like to share with all of you. My children are not a burden but motivator in times of despair. They make me an warrior. A warrior that will never give up.

While having my thrid baby girl, I was ask to leave my job as my boss need to cut cost. My husband has lost his major contract and in tight financial situation. My mum who is my pillar pass away from stroke. All happens one after another. I'm not asking for sympathy but I'm sharing my experience.

All these happenings are a great blow to my peaceful life. So depress, lost and despair but I manage to survive. Many thanks to all the lovely people around me giving me moral supports. I told myself everyday that I'm a Warrior. I stay as cheerful as possible day after day. Nobody can help me if I have no courage.

So, after picking up my courage, I negotiate with my boss to keep me employed till child birth. At the same time, I started looking for jobs and friends did a great part in searching good jobs for me. Out of a sudden, I have so many job offers haha...

The most painful is the lost of my mum. Trying to cope with the sorrow while carrying my baby. A baby girl that she aways hope that I can have (after having 2 boys) but will never be able to meet. I have to keep positive so that it wont affect my baby in me. It's all a test to me. A test that I need and must pass. With faith and love, I did it.

So, no matter what problems and obstacles you face, always tell yourself that 'I AM WARRIOR!!" Have courage and faith. You will pull through.

So much of my downs, I'll share with you all my ups....and they are ofcourse my children....2 boys + 1 girl.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008


Babies, tots, pre-school kids, big middle age kids to teenagers are different phases of growth our precious one will go through with parent's full supports and guidances. As a mother of three, I have so much to love, so much to learn, so much to share and so much to care. Being a mother makes me a smarter and courageous lady as everyday is a challenge and learning process.
Iwant to share all I know with all the adults and childrens. Nevertherless to say, I love to learn from you too. Lets hold our hands and make this world beautiful with LOVING Adults and Kids.......LOVE is all we need !!!
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