Monday, March 23, 2009

Kueh Pisang (香蕉糕) Recipe

It was a lazy Sunday and Supercute suggested we might as well sweeten it up by making a nice dessert. We had come to a decision and it's Nyonia Kueh.......Kueh Pisang (Nyonia Banana Pudding). It's very so easy and fun to prepare. My lovely cheif Supercute is going to put it up in his blog too. Hey son, see who is faster kay......hehe..

Ingredients :

3 Big Ripe and Soft Bananas
300ml Thick Coconut Milk
1 Packet of Hun Kwee (Mung Bean Flour) 绿豆粉
220g of Sugar
550ml of Water
Pinch of Salt
Banana leaves for wrapping

Direction :

1) Cut diagonally the banana into about 1cm thick.
2) Divide the coconut milk equally into two bowls.
3) Add bean flour into one of the coconut milk bowl and mix well.
4) Pour the other bowl of coconut milk, water, sugar, salt into a non-stick pan. Stir over low heat until sugar dissolves.
5) Add mixture (3) into the pan and continue stirring over low heat.
6) Keep stirring till the mixture is thickening (gluey, sticky but smooth paste).
7) Scoop 3 spoonful of mixture onto banana leaves and top with banana slices.
8) Wrap it up and place it in refrigerator.
9) Serve it as a cool dessert.

Tips :
1) It will be good to steam the bananas for about 5 minutes and leave it to cool before cutting if the banana is not very soft and ripe. (I prefer using Pisang Rajah)
2) Must continuously mix and stir over low heat as the mixture burns easily.
3) You may also scoop the mixture into jelly bowl or moulds and top with slice banana if you have difficulty finding banana leaves. (I use jelly bowl simply because I’m Too Lazy hehe….)

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The Mom Song

My cute son Black Ninja introduced me to a very funny song "The Mom Song". We watched it together and have a good laugh. he trying to imply something ? Anyway, I would like to share it with all moms and kids. Enjoy.

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