Showing posts with label Baby Care. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Baby Care. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

When & Why to give Baby First Hair Cut

The first haircut is actually considered as a special milestone that the little one has achieved often varies on his culture and religious. Different countries' babies have different way and some will even accompany by certain ritual and celebrations.

Some babies did their first cut on his first month, some did it when they begins to speak, some had it on his first birthday. It really varies with the tradition of his culture.

Since I'm Chinese, my kids had their first hair cut when they are one month old. I kept a log of his/her hair, tie up with red string and kept it together with his nails and umbilical cord. I placed all of it in a red packet (A red color packet which we use to put money in it and give it to the kids as good wishes during Chinese new year) and slot it beside their baby photo (taken in the hospital on their 1st day to this beautiful world).

The hair cut is done in the morning and celebration follows where all relatives and friends are invited to share our joys and give him their blessings. The father is a good cook and he will prepare a buffet lunch and dinner for all our guests to enjoy. We call this celebration 'Man Yue' which means full month.

Most of my friends did not shave the hair of their babies but some did. Anyway it's your own preference. Some believe that by shaving the hair, you are removing the hair that is growing since they are in their mummy's womb and their hair will become thicker. Well, I didn't do that cos I do not like 'botak' baby hehe....

For friends out there who miss the first hair cut on baby's first month, just do it on a meaningful day. It's the thought that counts.

Cheers to all babies !!!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

When to feed baby water ?

When to feed baby water ?
- When the lovely baby is about 6 months old.

Will he/she be dehydrated without feeding water ?
- She will get all the hydration she needs from formula or breast milk.

What will happen if too much water is given ?
- When giving young baby less then 6 months too much water, it will make her tiny tummy feel full and reduce the desire to feed. It will interfere her ability to absorb nutrients from milk.
In more serious case (rare case), it may cause water intoxication.
- For an adult who has too much water, it can result in hyponatremia that cause seizures and even coma. Too much water will dilute concentration of sodium affecting electrolyte balance which cause tissue to swell.
- Small sips of water is ok if your intention is just to cleanse her mouth. Anyway, you may just use a sterile and wet cloth to cleanse.

Should I add more water to formula to let her have more water ?
- By doing so, you are giving your baby lesser nutrients as formula is diluted. Follow the instruction on the formula carefully. Consult the doctor if stretching formula is necessary.

What happen if my baby seems dehydrated ?
- Consult a doctor. The doctor may give her electrolyte drink if need be.

When she reach 6 months of age
- It is ok to give her sips of water but there again do not overdo it. I saw some mummy and daddy pushing the baby to drink sips of water every one hour thinking that it is good for them. Well, that is overdone unless it is advise by the doctor.

When she is one year old and taking solid
- You may let her drink as much water as she likes. Do not force her but encourage her.

Happy feeding mummy and daddy. Hope this info is helpful.

Thanks to Dr PL who helps me and guides me with all her knowledge. Now, I'm a proud mummy of 3 and sharing what I've learn from her with my dearest friends.
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