Many financially savvy adults have developed good money saving skills when they are very young. Children who learn the benefits of saving money will benefit them and they will have a very essential skill in life. They will know how to source for funds, maintaining funds and even expanding funds in positive way.
Ways for kids to do their savings :
1) Saving Accounts :
Open Saving Accounts for your kids as young as possible. Many local banks offer kids’ bank account. They often waive minimums to welcome these little bank customers. Some will provide incentives like giving small credit into kid’s account when they first open the saving account. Others will give attractive gifts and toys as encouragement.
2) Piggy Bank :
Encourage your kids to own a cute and small piggy bank. Let him/her choose her own bank and place it at a prominent place. Some piggy banks can produce music once a coin is slotted. There’s one bank I came across is a miniature ATM machine. You can
3) Extra incentives :
Give your kids a real extra incentive when they hit their saving target. Let say, if your kid gets allowance of $10 per week and if he can save $1.50 out of it, you give him extra $0.50. He will have this weekly incentive. If he doesn’t spend the savings in the first month, he will get another $2.00 as extra bonus. This will keep your kids looking forward to hit their target and even if they do not hit the extra bonus, it will be an added advantage of fewer frivolous spending.
However, you have to stress to your kids that they have to take their meals in school. Do not skip meal just to save extra and get extra incentives. Show concern on what they eat, how they spend and how the saving going is. Guide them on the right path.
All good habits start from young. Encourage them to be young money managers. As child ages and maturity grows, they have already set their right foundation. Better investment on greater returns such as Trust, Bonds and Shares can slowly be introduced. The rest is to watch them soar and be proud parents.